Camelot Unchained Wiki
Realm Tuatha Dé Danann
Archetype Scout
Motto Our will shines through the darkest night.

Wisps are the most effective of all the scouts at moving undetected through enemy lands, at least during the day. They are the fastest and hardest to kill, but their glowing bodies make them easier to see at night, especially in swamps. This power comes at a price: Their souls are bound to their lanterns, and these lanterns can be destroyed (and can regenerate like bodies) by enemies, which hurls the Wisps’ souls into the Veil, trapping them until they can either escape or their lantern regenerates. Stories are told of travelers who lose their way in bubbling waters, thinking they might follow where only the Wisps should dare to tread.



Sample Components[]

Wisp Commune-with-Wisp Commune with Wisp (Modal)
Transfers control between the user’s body and the Wisp.
Wisp Reconstitute-Lantern Reconstitute Lantern (Secondary)
Recreates the Wisp’s lantern and the Wisp within after it has been lost or destroyed.
Wisp Blink Blink (Wisp Ability)
Teleports a short distance in a random direction. Causes luminosity.
Wisp Glow Glow (Wisp Ability)
Greatly increase luminosity over a large area for a moderate duration. Nearby enemies are affected by a radiant debuff that reduces their resistance to radiant effects.

Key Features[]

Divine Intervention

Direct a bright beam of light at an enemy target, inflicting a radiant debuff that reduces their vision and movement speed.

Death Curse

The Wisp explodes, causing a brilliant “light show” and shockwave that knocks nearby enemies back, removes a large amount of stamina, and applies a radiant debuff that causes a large amount of damage to each target if they move or use abilities within a brief duration.

Banes and Boons[]

Main Article: Banes and Boons


  • The class appears to be derived from the Will-o'-the-Wisp of British folklore.

Revision History[]

  • October 30th, 2015 - Scouts were revealed during the 5th week of the Fall Class reveals.


External Links[]