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Realm Arthurians
Archetype Stealther
Motto We are as one with the Veil.

The founders of this class were the first in the Realms to discover the ability to walk through the Veil. As such, Veilstalkers are a bit proud, or even sometimes haughty, when it comes to their place in history. Their ability to move through the Veil is unsurpassed among the Realms, for they possess a deeper history and knowledge of its mysteries. However, over time, this mastery comes at a sacrifice: their bodies pay a heavier price for walking through the Veil than other classes do.



Sample Components[]

Veilstalker-Veil-Gate Veil Gate (Modal)
Opens a personal gateway between the natural world and the Veil, and draws the user through it.
Veilstalker-Impale Impale (Style)
Initiates a piercing attack from the Veil that gains greatly increased armor penetration and bonus damage. When striking from the front, consumes Arcane Charge to apply an arcane debuff that deals arcane damage over time for a brief duration.
Veilstalker-Blackout Blackout (Style)
Increases the target’s preparation and recovery times and deals high disruption damage. When striking from behind, applies a physical debuff that immobilizes the target for a brief duration.

Key Features[]

Divine Intervention

Arcane Purge
Purges the target’s earth, water, fire, air, frost, and lightning buffs with a total amount of power based on the user’s remaining Arcane Charge.

Death Curse

Interdimensional Overload
The user’s body bursts into an explosion reminiscent of the Piercing of the Veil when they die, creating a large amount of Veil disturbance and dealing high disruption to all nearby enemies.

Banes and Boons[]

Main Article: Banes and Boons


Revision History[]

  • December 4th, 2015 - Veilstalkers were revealed during the last week of the Fall Class Reveals.


External Links[]