Camelot Unchained Wiki

Camelot Unchained features a unique progression system for MMORPGs. The progression system is use-based, where players increase the power of an ability's components by using them. Rather than getting generic rewards, players receive a Daily Report and Realm News to gain specific benefits based on their hard work, their contributions, and their Realm's achievements.


  • CSE’s experience point and progression systems are unique among MMORPGs and most, if not all, computer RPGs
  • The system is intended to add fun and increase immersion by tying players’ actions directly to their progression in stats, abilities
  • The system collects data over 24 hours to yield scaling rewards in the Daily Report and create the Realm News
  • The aggregation of data over 24 hours allows a very realistic snapshot of what occurred over that period with advanced data mining
  • The progression system rewards players for playing the game as it was intended (prevents cross-Realm keep trading), and yields rewards based not only on individual actions but those of the Realm

Stated Progression Problems CSE intends to solve

  • Leveling up in most modern MMORPGs has become too easy, lessening the players’ sense of accomplishment
  • Typical theme-park style MMORPGs push players through their linear content too fast; players don’t have time to enjoy the world around them
  • Some modern MMORPGs’ streamlining actually increases the “grindy” feeling, due to constant progression feedback with little downtime
  • Players are encouraged to rush their way through the game, leveling quickly to get to the “end game” or to “cap out” their characters

Planned Progression System

  • In Camelot Unchained, players gradually improve their performance by small amounts
  • CSE is designing Camelot Unchained such that players don’t reach the soft cap in a short period of time. The slow but steady progression system uses individual stat and ability progression, instead of generic experience points
  • The progression system's mantra is “Use it to improve it!”, meaning that if a player wants to get stronger, that player must do things that increase strength. This system is intended to enhance immersion by tying the players’ actions directly to their character
  • Character progression in specific areas allows players to unlock access to new skills and ability components
  • Players receive their progression rewards based on a “Daily Report,” rather than instantaneously
  • At the end of each “game day”, players are rewarded with improvements to their character’s stats, skills, and abilities
  • Players also get bonus resources based on heroic achievements and defensive actions, such as guarding player caravans

Character Progression Rewards

  • The Realm News and Daily Report will determine the rewards a player gets
  • Players improve a stat by performing actions that use that stat: Swinging a heavy sword increases your strength, allowing you to use heavier swords
  • Players increase proficiency with ability components by using abilities that contain them: Using Fire Ball increases proficiency with the Fire and Ball components
  • Players improve passive skills by using abilities that trigger their effects: A skill which reduces enemy fire resistance when a player deals fire damage becomes more effective through use of fire damage abilities

Progression Limits

  • A small amount of vertical progression will reward players for using stats and skills, but the system is heavily horizontal in terms of power gain
  • Very few hard limits: stats, skills, and ability components have soft caps for progression, after which advancement slows considerably
  • Even with nigh-unlimited advancement, vertical progression is carefully designed so new players will always be competitive with veteran players


BSC Days video:
