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Child of Loki
Child of Loki
Realm Viking
Archetype Shapeshifter
Motto My children shall exceed me!

Like the famous trickster god, members of this class love to take on the forms of other beings. Unlike the other Realms, the power of this class comes from their animal forms, and not from their weapons or abilities. Practitioners of this class have more forms available to them than their counterparts from the other Realms. They gain this knowledge through an oral tradition passed down by their order. It was begun by the very first skin-changer, who heard it from Loki himself.


Sample Components[]

Child-of-loki Fenrir Gift of Fenrir (Primary)
Transforms the user into a spirit form of Fenrir (wolf), capable of stealing health when attacks penetrate their target’s armor, and of providing group chaos buffs using howls. The cooldown for this begins when another Gift is activated.
Child-of-loki Bite-of-the-God-Slayer Bite of the God Slayer (Secondary)
Bites the target, dealing high piercing damage. If this attack successfully penetrates the target’s armor, it returns a portion of the damage dealt as health to all body parts of the user. This attack gains bonus damage if the target is poisoned.
Child-of-loki Howl-of-Ragnarok Howl of Ragnarök (Secondary)
Applies a chaos debuff to all nearby enemies that increases their panic rating based on damage dealt to them by the user over a moderate duration. Affected targets that reach their maximum panic rating take greatly increased damage from the user’s attacks while the debuff is present.
Child-of-loki Ravenous-Ferocity Ravenous Ferocity (Secondary)
Grants a chaos buff to the user that greatly increases the health returned by their attacks. This buff also cures a wound to the user’s most wounded body part each time they inflict a wound on an enemy while the buff is present.
Child-of-loki Sleipnir Gift of Sleipnir (Primary)
Transforms the user into a spirit form of Sleipnir (horse), capable of increased movement speed and charging attacks, that can deal crushing damage and knock back enemies. The cooldown for this begins when another Gift is activated.
Child-of-loki Thunderous-Charge Thunderous Charge (Secondary)
After a long activation time, increases the user’s movement speed for a brief duration, or until their next attack, and grants their next attack high bonus crushing damage and a moderate knockback.
Child-of-loki Speed-of-Hermoor Speed of Hermóðr (Secondary)
Channeling this places the user in an enhanced spirit form for a brief duration. While in their enhanced form, the user gains increased movement speed, and cannot be affected by physical or magic types except death, shadow, chaos, and void, which have their power on the user greatly increased. When the channeling ends, the user returns to the basic spirit form and applies a chaos debuff to nearby enemies that greatly reduces their movement speed for a duration based on the amount of channeling time used.
Child-of-loki Peerless-Extrication Peerless Extrication (Secondary)
A channeled effect that increases the movement speed of the user and their nearby ally target, as long as they stay within range. It also suppresses any leg wounds and movement-impairing debuffs on both the user and their ally target for the length of its duration.
Child-of-loki Jormungandr Gift of Jörmungandr (Primary)
Transforms the user into a spirit form of Jörmungandr (snake), capable of using piercing attacks that apply poison damage when penetrating the target’s armor. The cooldown for this begins when another Gift is activated.
Child-of-loki Ruinous-Venom Ruinous Venom (Secondary)
Bites the target, dealing high piercing damage with moderate armor penetration. If this attack penetrates the target’s armor and a poison debuff is not present, it applies a poison damage over time debuff to the target. Poison damage dealt by this debuff is increased based on the remaining health of the target’s affected body part. If a poison debuff is already present on the target, this effect increases the damage the existing poison inflicts over time.
Child-of-loki Tenacious-Venom Tenacious Venom (Secondary)
Bites the target, dealing low piercing damage with high armor penetration. If this attack penetrates the target’s armor and a poison debuff is not present, it inflicts a long duration poison debuff that inflicts low poison damage over time. If a poison debuff is already present on the target, this effect increases its duration.
Child-of-loki Degenerate-Venom Degenerate Venom (Secondary)
Bites the target, dealing high piercing damage with low armor penetration. If this attack penetrates the target’s armor and a poison debuff is not present, it inflicts a poison debuff that deals escalating poison damage over time. If a poison debuff is already present, this effect increases the poison damage it deals by an increasing amount over its duration.

Key Features[]

Divine Intervention

Epic Calamity
Greatly increases the power of the user’s current Gift, increasing their size and the power of their abilities.

Death Curse

Apocalyptic Cataclysm
Fissures open in the ground around the user and violently erupt with the spirit kindred of the user’s current Gift. Enemies who come into contact with the spirits have a chaos debuff applied to them based on the type of spirits present:

  • Wolves – Increase panic rating and apply a chaos debuff that greatly reduces movement speed and increases ability preparation and recovery times.
  • Horses – Knock enemies back and deal crushing damage.
  • Serpents – Apply a poison debuff that deals poison damage over time for a brief duration, or if a poison debuff is already present, greatly enhance the damage taken from all previously present poison effects.

Sample Banes and Boons[]

Main Article: Banes and Boons


  • In Norse mythology Fenrir was foretold to kill Odin during the events of Ragnarök, some of the Fenrir component names reflect this.
  • In Norse mythology during the final battle, Thor would kill Jörmungandr but would die himself from poison nine paces later.
  • In Norse mythology Sleipir is an eight legged horse, and was the mount of Odin.
  • In addition to Fenrir, Sleipnir, and Jörmungandr in the mythology, Hel was also a child of Loki. There were lesser known sons named Narfi and Váli as well.
  • The class mixes the shapeshifting nature of Loki, and aspects of his children.

Revision History[]

  • October 23rd, 2015 - Shapeshifter classes were revealed during the 4th week of the Fall Class reveals.


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