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Blessed Crow
Blessed Crow
Realm Tuatha Dé Danann
Archetype Devout
Motto To heal our friends and punish our enemies.

The Blessed Crows were created by Brân the Blessed. He was one of the first of the “old ones” to discover that they were immortal, under most circumstances. Unfortunately, he also found out what some of the other circumstances were, and passed away. After his death, the cauldron he created to heal people was reproduced. Each Blessed Crow uses their own cauldron in much the same way magic-using classes use a spellbook. By doing so, they carry on his legacy as both healers and fighters.



Sample Components[]

Blessed-Crows Consuming-Brew Corpse Consuming Brew (Rune)
Consumes nearby corpses in order to restore health to nearby group members, based on the number of corpses consumed.
Blessed-Crows Necrotic-Concoction Necrotic Concoction (Rune)
Deals death magic to targets, also reducing their blood and stamina.
Blessed-Crows Bellowing-Cloud Billowing Cloud (Shape)
A volumetric cloud, which expands over time as a channeled effect.
Blessed-Crows Overcharge-Overflow Overcharge Overflow (Infusion)
Allows a cauldron at its maximum Cauldron Overflow to be used by this ability without being destroyed. Subsequently deals feedback damage to the user based on the power of the ability.

Key Features[]

Divine Intervention

Intervention of Brân
Greatly increases the power of the next effect applied to a cauldron, and increases Cauldron Overflow to maximum for all cauldrons affected.

Death Curse

Mutual Decapitation
Deals damage to the head of the user’s target based on the damage taken to the user’s head and on a portion of the overall damage suffered before death.

Sample Banes and Boons[]

Main Article: Banes and Boons


  • The name "Brân" in Welsh is usually translated as crow or raven
  • In mythology Brân gave the resurrecting cauldron to his sister's husband to be to satisfy an insult made by their half-brother. Later on, Brân would sail his warriors to rescue his sister, but the cauldron was used against him. He sacrificed himself to destroy the cauldron from within when an enemy unwittingly threw him in it. While he did perish, his head remained animated.

Revision History[]

  • October 2nd, 2015 - Class is revealed during a Beta Update Livestream.


External Links[]