Camelot Unchained Wiki
Realm Arthurian
Archetype Archer
Motto To rain Black Death from above.

This order of archers was created by a young man named Edward. He organized a group of bowmen to defeat a “terror of Abominations” that arose from the Black Mire. They took on that tainted blight, and many horrible risks, in order to protect others. The Blackguard were among Arthur’s earliest followers, before the rebirth of magic in the world. Adopting the color black, these archers became the scourge of all enemies of the Realm.



Sample Components[]

Blackgaurd Adept-Shot Adept Shot (Aim)
Fires a precise shot, which deals bonus damage and significantly increases armor penetration.
Blackgaurd Following-Shot Following Shot (Aim)
Usable after a shot which strikes and penetrates the armor of a target. Fires an efficient shot that gains a bonus to projectile speed and armor penetration, with low stamina cost and preparation time.
Blackgaurd Flight-Arrow Flight Arrow (Ammunition)
An arrow which is fired with a high arc and travels over an extended distance.
Blackgaurd Black-Arrow Black Arrow (Ammunition)
An exceptional arrow that deals high bonus damage to living targets based on the total amount of health they are missing.
Blackgaurd Precision-Sight Precision Sight (Modal)
Increases ability preparation and recovery times, while prominently displaying damage states on enemy characters.

Key Features[]

Divine Intervention

Cursed Call
Calls out the user’s target, inflicting a physical debuff that reduces the target’s damage mitigation from physical sources, negates their camouflage, and highlights their position, for a moderate duration.

Death Curse

The Black Death
Forsakes the rest of the arrows in the user’s active quiver in order to immediately fire a shot at the user’s target with power based on the number of arrows discarded.

Sample Banes and Boons[]

Main Article: Banes and Boons


  • The Blackguard may be in reference to the historical Edward III, known as the Black Prince. During the Battle of Halidon Hill, Edward used longbowmen to devastating results as Scottish soldiers tried to cross a marshy hollow and run up the hill, during the Second War of Scottish Independence.

Revision History[]

  • October 9th, 2015 - Class was revealed during the 2nd Fall Class Reveals.
