Camelot Unchained Wiki
Realm Arthurian
Archetype Devout
Motto For Realm, for Honor, and for Beer!

In a world without Veilstorms, Abbots would spend lives removed from the world, looking after their religious charges. In the current world, they spend decades in cloisters, studying and honing their magical and physical abilities, as well as their personal recipe for nature’s greatest gift: beer. Once they reach the pinnacle of raw power within their respective religious orders, they become worthy to enter the world to fight for their Realm. Abbots have a fondness for intoxicating beverages, especially those from their own order, and most importantly, for beer.



Sample Components[]

Abbot Radiant-Smite Radiant Smite (Rune)
Deals a high amount of radiant damage to the target, and leaves light briefly lingering in the area.
align=top Arcane Fervor (Rune)
Applies a Reaction which applies an Enhancement that increases magic damage for a moderate duration the next time the target deals magic damage, or if applied multiple times, applies a stronger Reaction with the same effect, up to a limited amount.
Abbot Elaborate-Preparation Elaborate Preparation (Rune)
Applies a Reaction which applies an Enhancement that reduces ability preparation and recovery times for a moderate duration the next time the user deals damage, or if applied multiple times, applies a stronger Reaction with the same effect, up to a limited amount.
Abbot Quarter-Staff Quarterstaff (Weapon)
A deceptively powerful melee weapon, which strikes quickly and deals crushing damage along with high disruption damage.

Key Features[]

Divine Intervention

Rampant Faith
A channeling ability which reduces panic rating and heals nearby allies over time, by an amount divided by the number of allies present.

Death Curse

Blood to Beer
The user explodes in a fountain of beer, applying an Impairment to nearby enemies which reduces their movement speed, and reduces their vision by a progressively fading amount based on the user’s remaining blood.

Sample Banes and Boons[]

Main Article: Banes and Boons


  • The Abbot bears some similarities to Dark Age of Camelot's Friar, which was a staff wielding healer hybrid.
  • Historically speaking, during the Middle Ages monks were known as being knowledgeable beer brewers. Often, water supplies were bad, making beer safer to drink.

Revision History[]

  • October 2nd, 2015 - Class is revealed during a Beta Update Livestream.
